Hi friends,
I hope your week’s been a good one. Here the temperatures are dropping and I’m reaching for my cardigan, fairisle socks and hot lemon&ginger teas for coziness.
These are my visual journals of the week, running from Sunday 22nd to Friday 27th September.
My highlights are always good to dwell on a little, before moving onto the next thing. Life goes a little fast sometimes, don’t you think?
Both Mike and Ezra had their birthday this week so we’ve had cake and pancakes, brown and colourful paper packages, and lovely cards through our post.
2 amazing finds on marketplace (sometimes you just win, other times, not so much!!). The first was a desk easel for £3 (and the house opposite were giving away apples). The second was a stunning copy of Peter Pan by J.M.Barrie for £1.30 for Ezra which is perfect because he LOVES Peter Pan and we’ve had so many interesting conversations around cultural (mis)representation.
The NYC in the Autumn zoom call with Samantha Dion Baker, guests from her Draw Your World and members of The Time Foragers’ Club all united forces to create stunning sketches from Central Park and Brooklyn at this magical time of the year. I will be sharing some gorgeous work in the club gazette, which will be published 1st October.
Starting an abstract concertina course, so far we’ve done collage, used ink and gesso and have been asked to collect little pieces of paper that are significant to us as homework. Sounds ideal, doesn’t it?!
Bringing in our sunflowers and drawing them today. I don’t think I’ve ever drawn sunflowers, have you?
Sketches from the zoom call…
Do you ever draw highlights of your week? I’d love to hear from you if you do. If you don’t and would like yo, what are the main things that are stopping you?
Have a lovely weekend xx
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