The Time Foragers' Club
The Time Foragers' Club
This Week's Visual Journal

This Week's Visual Journal

Week 30 and 31 of 2024


In this first video I’m painting the background of a gorgeous spot near Gorran Haven, on the south coast of Cornwall, not far from where we stayed. I’m starting with watercolour and gouache and letting it dry. I also used Neocolor II pastel for the cliffs.

I then added details to the sea and rocks again with watercolour and gouache and pencil.

Then I finish the landscape with Neocolor II pastels which work really well on dry watercolour or gouache for pops of colour and interest.

Then I used the bottom blank section to add my journaling for the week. I did all this when we returned home after our break.

There’s so much to say about our trip. We had a lot of fun swimming, building sand castles and drawing. I have two sketchbooks full of drawings and notes. I’m figuring out what the best way to share these with you would be. One of the highlights was to sketch alongside fellow illustrators Melanie Chadwick and Anna Wilson during this trip. More on this soon.

I hope this finds you well. Next week I hope to share my visual journals from since we returned from Cornwall which are all about being at home with my 3 boys and the adventures we’ve got up to. It includes picking blackberries, a trip to the circus and learning how to play cricket on the lawn. I will also be sharing more specific details about the Time Foragers’ Club starting in September.

Until then. xx

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The Time Foragers' Club
The Time Foragers' Club
Time to meet, celebrate the seasons and playfully create together.