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This Week's Visual Journals

Week 38 of 2024

Happy first day of Autumn!

Highlights of this week include:

  • the club launch - obviously this is a massive highlight and I can’t believe how well it’s been received - thank you!! I can’t wait to meet more of you online this coming week with Samantha Dion Baker, drawing NYC in the Autumn.

  • reading a book about Matisse and learning from his genius use of colour.

  • continuing to reap the benefits of a zoom led by Citaflor last week where we looked at master pieces.

  • opening our bifold wide open to draw our back garden.

  • generally enjoying the sunshine here Monday and Tuesday.

  • sending in my Epworth Rectory commission which was a massive weight off my shoulders.

  • having fun putting a video together with Caleb (I tired on my own but kept getting perfectionistic and needed a real person to draw that out of me…). You can watch it here. I answered questions I received from people here and over on instagram about the club launch and a little about myself.

  • the garden dahlias… I mean… I can’t NOT mention them.

  • on Thursday I did a mega sort out of my wardrobe Marie Kondo style. Ironically (and of course, this is the magic of de-cluttering), although I now have fewer clothes (donated or recycled a decent bundle), it feels like I have more choice because A. everything is immediately visible (because it is organised), B. everything there fits me (I am now a size 14, unlike a few years back when I was a size 10). Less hesitation. Less time wasted just starring into the wardrobe. Less confusion and delay! Everything in there would work so I just grab it and get going! ha!

  • a wonderful drawing session with fellow Yorkshire-based artist and educator Jo Blaker. We drew from her holiday pics in Arron, a little island off the shores of Scotland. I’m convinced my ancestors came from that area because those colours have my heart!

  • it is the season of elderberries here so I got out to forage and make syrup. But while the syrup was happily simmering away, the left-over berries were starring at me and begging to be used so I went upstairs to my good old textiles drawer and grabbed a perfect amount of cotton to make ribbons. So now I have elderberry syrup and elderberry-dyed ribbons.

Hope you have a great week!

PS: don’t forget the drawing NYC in Autumn zoom meet this coming Wednesday! This is for anyone who pays a monthly club membership either on Sam’s Draw Your World or on my Time Foragers’ Club. I hope to see you there!

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