The Time Foragers' Club
The Time Foragers' Club
This Week's Visual Journal and CLUB LAUNCH

This Week's Visual Journal and CLUB LAUNCH

Week 37 of 2024 - Includes a list of Launch events

Today is The Time Foragers’ Club launch day and I couldn’t be more excited! I’ve been thinking about this for months and it feels so good to actually get started! The club prep is featuring quite heavily in my visual journals as I’ve worked on it behind the scenes this week, along with my big commission for the Wesley House in Epworth (the drawing of Susanna Wesley holding a baby and a basket). Other highlights include the most amazing pear pie at Tom&Daisy’s, enjoying some LU biscuits which bring me back to my childhood in France, continuing to indulge in our garden flowers, especially the red dahlias.

A few events to celebrate the launch:

  • Wed 18th Sep - Video introduction to the club, Q&A and basically who I am in a nutshell! (FREE)

  • Fri 20th Sep - Drawing Zoom meeting with Mel Chadwick (PAID) Theme: Victorian Gardens {sharing seasonal photography of Sheffield Botanical Gardens, Clumber Park, among other places from our own private photo albums}.

  • Tue 24th Sep - Video of my process painting the cover of a PITH sketchbook (PAID)

  • Wed 25th Sep - Drawing Zoom meeting with Samantha Dion Baker (PAID) Theme: NYC in the Autumn {sharing seasonal photography of NYC from our walk through Central Park together last year}

  • Tue 1st Oct - 1st Gazette published (this may be FREE or PAID, we’ll see how this develops…)

  • Tue 1st Oct - Travel to Italy for an art residency which I hope to share in my Notes and Weekly Visual Journals (FREE)

Below is a break down of what will be on offer in the club, if you’re unfamiliar with Substack, you can find this information in my ABOUT section.

A time to meet, celebrate the seasons and playfully create together.

On offer in the club

As a free subscriber, you can enjoy reading and watching:

  • My weekly visual journals as inspiration

  • My Notes which show sneak peeks into my studio and personal stories

As a paid subscriber, each month you will receive:

  • The monthly club Gazette which showcases the group’s artwork and creations, but also some seasonal recipes, poetry, riddles, competitions, announcements etc. {Note: The Gazette is a lighthearted and playful publication. It may sometimes be posted as free content}

  • 1 invitation to a co-drawing meeting on Zoom (recorded)

  • 1 invitation to a co-journaling meeting on Zoom (recorded)

  • 1 invitation to a co-creating* meeting on Zoom (recorded) {*the plan will be seasonal and will be announced in the monthly Gazette prior, these will be a variety of wonderfully creative tasks that we rarely make time for, including writing letters, nature journaling, foraging research, mending, de-cluttering, planning meal batching, creating Christmas decorations, colour swatching, researching favourite art movements, etc}

  • 1 exclusive video* prompt to inspire you {*this will be short and could include behind-the-scenes, a travelogue from a trip, a sketchbook tour, etc}

  • All the archives of previous recorded meets and videos

  • Dates before anyone else. Be the first to hear about in-person events, exhibitions, international workshops and retreats.

As a founding member of the club, you will receive:

  • All of the above paid subscriber perks, plus…

  • A bundle of paper treats in the post on the run up to Christmas which includes carefully selected original artwork, Christmas cards, vintage postcard and other surprises (please share your address).

  • A very big warm thanks for being a patron to the club, its gazette and for helping finance my materials, admin and research time.

Can’t wait to create together!



PS: Every summer in August I will take time off and will pause paid subscriptions.

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The Time Foragers' Club
The Time Foragers' Club
Time to meet, celebrate the seasons and playfully create together.